I've resumed my studies after having two months off and quite honestly, though stress will always be present with the work load, I am glad to be back. Things are a little different now. It is strange coming back to the same campus, classrooms and classmates as a changed person. It almost feels like I've gone way back to my days at art school as a school leaver, completely on my own and unknowing of what will come next. For the past few years my future plans had been formed, shaped and set around another person. Before me now lies a blank slate. Like a teen aged Eleanor Rigby, I don't really know what will come next but I do know now that I have the power to make what I like of it.
I've been trying to keep busy lately. I'm a person that is attached so deeply to their thoughts and so naturally these can consume me from time to time. Keeping myself busy helps me to live in the immediate and focus on what is right in front of me. I've been cooking (those who know me well will understand that this is something trying for me!), giving myself more complex songs to learn on guitar, spending more time with my family and sorting through my possessions. It's been very refreshing and helps to instantly lift the weight off my shoulders when things become too stressful. I'm hoping that focusing on my studies will have the same effect.
What are some things that you do to keep busy?
I'd love to try something new.
Title: "Tangerine" - Led Zeppelin